On 15 June 2015, Monsignor Adeodato Mancini died, ecumenical missionary episcop, schimamonaco, orientalist, lecturer at the U.S.E.D.E.I. University. of Turin, scholar of Patristics and the life of the desert fathers as well as universally recognised as the greatest historical expert on the orders of chivalry, last descendant of the Marquis of Ausignano, scholar of the life of the desert fathers, founder in Incisa Scapaccino (AT) of the Monastery of the Holy Family, as well as re-founder of the O. M.T. (Templar Monastic Order) of the Pietà del Pellicano, hereditary patrimony of the Mancini Marchesi d’Ausignano House, of which he was the last Monarch of the Order, having no male heirs. Monsignor Adeodato is remembered not only for his multifaceted organisational skills, but above all for his love for the poor and the last, so much so that he often went with his camper to look for the ‘bums’ and ‘homeless’ to bring them a plate of pasta, clothing and basic necessities. We like to remember Father Adeodato when he did us the honour of participating in the inauguration of Viglas Castle and the blessing of the Templar Chapel now dedicated to him in 2014.